Sunday, October 25, 2009

Nikola Teska,The Philadelphia Experiment, HAARP

Nikola Teska,The Philadelphia Experiment, HAARP
and Other Folklore

By George Trinkaus

Did Tesla have anything to do with an item of folklore called "The
Philadelphia Experiment?" This sci-fi fantasy, widely circulated as serious
history, tells of a Navy experiment in making warships invisible. The
experiment went haywire, goes the story, dematerializtng a vessel in
Philadelphia only to have it rematertahze, crew and all, in Norfolk. The
Philadelphia Experiment has become a major fixture in the Tesla
Mystique. "Tesla technology" is vaguely imputed to the phenomenon, and
the story (evidently a tavern yarn that got into book and out of control)
has Tesla on board as a technical participant.

The story is set in the year 1944. However, Tesla died in 1943
(January). A review by the Department of Naval Research found no
evidence to support the tale, and an independent military historian has
searched in vain in all imaginable Navel records for any clue that would
corroborate this incredible event (see footnote).

Does Tesla's peculiar radio technologv really have anrthing to do with
another govemment experiment called HAARP? This notorious black
project indeed exists on some acrmge in Alaska and is indeed an
experimental project in radio, which Tesla invented. But Tesla's radio is
longwave, and HAARP is shortwave. a band of frequencies (3 - 30
megacycles) that Tesla may have never explored and that he assumed
were relatively ineffective compared to the low-frequency band (under
500 kilocycles). Also HAARP's alleged experiment is said to be the
stimulating and heating of an ionosphere, which Tesla insisted does not
exist and would have absolutely no effect on radio propagation if it did
(The True Wireless).

Excerpt from The Tesla Mystique